Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Journey's End??

Thanks to Rachel Thomson for the Photo


  1. Awesome pic! You one of the people in it Ian?

  2. yes I'm second from the right
    Katharina a young german girl is first left,then a guy who had walked all the way from Belgium (why can I only remember girls names?) me and then Oliver the temp warden at the Hippy aubergue "Sol"
    Rachel was behind dancing round a campfire with drums and guitar.
    this was the moment I was asked "is this your last Camino Ian" and I answered yes and passed the "cigarette" back to Oliver

  3. just noticed the sun is reflecting off my bald crown!!!

  4. Ha...thought so!! Deep breathe...ah well, can't quite catch the scent..and ought not to w/my lungs, sadly! Memories!! :-)

  5. That was one of the most beautiful sunsets I saw in Fisterra, Ian. And the four of you lined up together watching it was beautiful. I'm happy the photo captured such a meaningful moment for you!
