Initially a landing place for boats from England and Ireland so that pilgrims could avoid the enemy France, fair enough I thought, so as a starter to the main course of the well travelled Camino Frances and thanks to Ryanair me and our Rosie plan to walk "The English Way" in February, when not only will we avoid the French but probably the rest of mankind as well.
This has acted like a bomb being dropped in to our safe cosy walking round the houses like a teddy bear way of training,The excitement is back the thrill of moving out of my comfort zone is a heady thing, This baby-boomer is in danger of becoming an adrenalin junkie I may have to open another packet of ginger biscuits.
Since booking the flights it seems like I haven't been off the computer checking this and that,
No appropriate photo to post, so here's one of daughter number two after getting a FIRST from Essex University this summer
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