29k with a lot of hills when so far we had only managed 15k. OK the weather hadn't helped but that wasn't showing any signs of getting better.
The plan was to get as far as Bar Julie 10k from bruma and then maybe get a taxi
The bar stands at the foot of a large and long hill and traditionally you stop at the bar drink a glass of "Johnnie Walker" and go for it.
We left Betanzos in high spirits just before light
and the day just kept getting better, my prawn
the dark rain clouds circled us without ever intruding just acting as a backdrop to the amazing views.
to see how far the "you are here" had moved down the board towards Bruma.
inside it appears to be small and cosy but steps up and down lead to various eating area's.
a young boy 12-14 was serving and doing very well, his grandmother was sat with what looked like a 5 piece drum machine between her legs making large plate fulls of crepes that were handed out to the fairly large crowd. the father was busy polishing glass panelled doors,the mother and two daughters busy in the kitchen.
the young lad was an accomplished barman and keep the conversation flowing even including us
as he took the opportunity to improve his English.
By now the polite rain had started falling and kept us from leaving, but we were in no rush this was obviously the place to be as more and more people kept coming through the door,each one more resplendent than the last,this was either the shabby chic place to be on a Saturday or more likely some celebration,
It was time to leave,we called for the Johnnie Walker Red Label chaser,offers of lifts were politely refused we had a hill to climb!!
off up the hill and looking back on the village the unassuming frontage of the bar was indeed just a front for the palatial house at the back,check out all the parked cars.
perhaps fuelled by the whisky The hill wasn't causing too many problems. we were even entertained on one corner by the most show off horse I've ever seen,my pic does not do him justice. The hill became a steep track that continued for some time till we crossed a bridge with a motorway far far below,so far below that I could only walk in the middle while Rosie leaned over the edge enthusing over the amazing view while I tried not to drop on all fours and crawl the
The sun was that bright that we were even able to get the obligatory shadow pictured.
It was here on one of the only downward sections, that Rosie knee gave out and was to give her concern for the
rest of the walk and contiues to do so.
We kept going and soon was at the 1K sign,what seem a long one K later we were outside the auberge our home for the night,one phone call and 15 minutes later the man was there wondering why we hadn't gone inside,as he showed us the unlocked door, an unknown phenomenon in England.
dropping our bags in the dorm he even drove us 2K to the nearest supermarket.
stocked up with good food that we feasted on that night
and toasting our success with the local wine Alberino.
a perfect end to a truly perfect day.
Man, you got great pictures in there!Thanks for share!I love it!!Congratulation!!!