rising early from clean sheets and second shower in the hotel.met up with the gang and set off hoping to get as far as Granon (many good reports).30k
unfortunatly 20k was our limit that day and the beutiful town of Santo Domingo provided our bed even then it was the wrong Auberge our intented one was another 100 mts further on,ours was the convent (old folks home) and we missed out on the glass fronted 4 star looking place that we passed later while searching out food.
we heard later that ours had been the wiser choice small rooms and (no snorers)
we had lost Viebka who made it to Grannon and said it was the best.
the next days walk to Belorado was memorable because of the swallows either feeding or guarding their young swooping so low and close you felt like an extra in the Hichcock film "the birds)
while checking my mail later was surprized to find our German friend Viebka had found me on facebook and left a message hoping we would all meet up again soon.
when we get to Santiago we will know so many people it will be a hugfest.
in fact the next days walk to Ages was to be our first big meeting day.
first was to be Viebka sitting in a roadside cafe, it was so nice to see her again,the gang of 4 was complete again.
it is so good to walk with friends albeit spread out sometimes by 5k you can talk on a deeper level than where are you from,where did you start finish ect.
soon lying down at the side of the road was MarieClaude not seen since she and I had climbed the Perrannes together, not something you do that regular-then Vera the Danish women who shared a plane with me a lifetime away.
new good people were added and we desended into Ages a merry band and the night continued in the same vain.
Burgos was to be our second large city of the Camino and missing the turning for the river route
walked through the industrial area and tired from our walk decided to make Burgos a rest day ,so we booked into a pensione and walk into the centre minus our bags.
were more friends not seen for days were reunited, the main square was nearly filled with us all.
(the 10 minute walk back to the Hotel was interesting.
now we stay in what must be the best 3 euro Auberge in the world and set out cleanesd and rested in the morning along the Maseta.
so glad to be here right now in this beutiful city with good friends made in such a short time.